Father Ted

The funniest thing on TV, about three priests living on a remote island off the coast of Ireland. Who cares whether it's technically Irish or British? It's still fantastic. Father Ted is the central character. He is often very dishonest, making up lies to get out of trouble almost every episode. He is desperate to work in the US or/and go on TV. "I'm not a fascist. I'm a priest. Fascists dress up in black and tell people what to do. Whereas priests... ...More drink?" Father Dougal is a very dimwitted young priest, who often forgets that he is a priest. He is guilty of the following acts: convincing a bishop to become an atheist, causing fires and explosions while doing a funeral, and generally being an eejit. "God, I've never seen a clock at 5 a.m. before!" "I'm no good at judging the size of crowds Ted, but I'd say there's about seventeen million of them out there" Father Jack is an ignorant, violent, bigoted old alcoholic who enjoys sleeping, throwing stuff at the TV, and physically abusing his fellow priests. He only generally knows four words: FECK, ARSE, DRINK and GIRLS. He has a great fear for nuns. Possible paedophile. "Don't tell me I'm still on that feckin' island!" "I love my brick!" "That would be an ecumenical matter!" If you haven't seen this show, you haven't lived. 'nuff said.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Father Ted. Some of the top words include: Doogle, rodney rude, Dr. Zoidberg, Lupay, futurama, and 25 more.